EuropaPlatz : PhdNotes

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There must be a simple sentence that gives the direction of the Phd. This is a title. It's about representation. Europe is all about representation, it is the culture that got involved in this possibility, investigated it with an incredible passion and interest. Representing Europe. This has consequences in arts, politics, science (and love?). Now the question here is to give a context that makes it somewhere, somehow, effective – 2006-08-11

is europe perhaps the fiction of the public. the whole thing has to do with the desire of showing the public to the public. a place, a void in the middle of the lived space where the lived space organises himself. The idea of europe and the idea of public art are going side by side where the esthetic and the politic realms run along questions of representation. this first require a precise definition by myself of what i understand by the european idea. how linked with modernity? and it goes along with questions launched by documenta on modernity vs. antiquity in a globalized state of the world - 2006-11-11

shift away from representation and nations. modify and stimulate imagination - 2006-11-11

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